Guaranteed Rent<span style="color:#b43144">.</span>

Guaranteed Rent.

100% Rent Guaranteed

Have you ever dreamed about receiving 100% of your rent on time from tenants, every time? At Trigghomes we can make your dreams reality through our unique Rent on Time scheme. Once you have become one of our valued clients, we can offer you your FULL rent on time, every time. Rent on Time does exactly what it says on the tin; pays your rent on the rent due date no matter what. It guarantees seamless cash flow on your property portfolio as it will pay the rent on time, every time, even if the tenant defaults! You can rest easy in the knowledge that your monthly rental payments are guaranteed.

Attention Landlords! We guarantee to pay your rent EVERY MONTH even if your tenant fails to pay!

Attention Landlords! We guarantee to pay your rent EVERY MONTH even if your tenant fails to pay!
  • Legal costs covered for evictions
  • No waiting for your rent
  • No excess to pay
  • Seamless cash flow
  • Eliminates the risk of renting

No other agent can guarantee 100% of your rent every month without fail!

When it comes to selling your home, we are truly National<strong><span style="color:#ab172d">.</span></strong>

When it comes to selling your home, we are truly National.